When he showed up in London last week with elder son Lachlan in tow, News Corp. Kremlinologists sensed that a new heir apparent was displacing James. 上周他带着长子拉克兰•默多克出现在伦敦,令很多人猜测这可能意味着废詹姆斯而立拉克兰。
Kim Jong-il, who it is thought suffered a stroke last year, was styled as heir apparent for more than a decade before his father, Kim Il-sung, died in 1994. 金正日的父亲金日成(Kimil-sung)于1994年逝世,而在金日成逝世的10多年前,金正日就已经被列为法定继承人。金正日据信在去年患了中风。
Has at the last of these days spoken to us in the Son, whom He appointed Heir of all things, through whom also He made the universe; 就在这末后的日子,在子里向我们说话;神已立他作承受万有者,也曾藉着他造了宇宙;
However, the last straw crashed Camilla is that Queen Elizabeth has decided that Prince William will be the next to heir the throne, which means Prince Charles will be skipped. 然而,压垮卡米拉的最后一根稻草是伊丽莎白女王决定由威廉王子来继承王位,这就意味着查尔斯王子被跳过了。
At the last congress, Kim Jong-il received the party titles that anointed him as heir apparent to his father, Kim Il-sung. 在上次党代会上,金正日接受了党内职务,成为其父亲金日成(Kimil-sung)的指定接班人。
When a female assassin is sent to the US to kill the last living heir to the Modern day Himalayan Kingdom, royal solider is also sent to protect her. 一个女刺客被送到美国,她的秘密杀害目标是最后一个活着的喜马拉雅王国王位继承人。
The last such gathering in1980 secured Kim's position as heir to his father, North Korean founder Kim Il-Sung. 上回这样的聚会时在1980年,确保了金正日作为他父亲继承人&朝鲜建国者金日成的位置。